Showing posts with label android emulator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android emulator. Show all posts

May 28, 2013

android emulator x86 with google maps apis

Ok, this night's question is:
can we definitely have an android emulator image using x86 cpu (to exploit kvm acceleration) and google maps support?
The answer is: yes.
But, as always, we could have less pain banging our head against the wall.

However, here the tricks.

  1. Create two avd image, an *arm* ones and an *intel* ones, from shell or using eclipse tools, and assume their names are "ga17_tablet10_arm" and "ga17_tablet10_intel"
    • ga = "google apis"
    • 17 = android selected version
    • tablet10 = a 10'' 1280x800 tablet
    • arm/intel = obviously, isn't?)
    (If *avd" image is already present, skip first creation)
    export ARM_NAME="ga17_tablet10_arm"
    export INTEL_NAME="ga17_tablet10_intel"
    or choose different names
  2. Then we have to copy some files from arm instance.
    So, start the avd image and do the stuff [emulator -avd "$ARM_NAME" &]
    Assuming we're working in a dir with enough space (we need about 350mb), we must have a tree as:
    [k0smik0@n-johnny-5-iii from_ga17_arm]$ find system/ -type d
    mkdir -p system/app system/etc/permissions system/framework
  3. Now we have to pull down these files (change ARM_EMU_ID with yours, grabbing it from "adb devices"):
    export ARM_EMU_ID=emulator-5554;
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/etc/permissions/ system/etc/permissions
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/framework/ system/framework
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/FusedLocation.apk system/app
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/GoogleLoginService.apk system/app
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk system/app
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/GpsLocationTest.apk system/app
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/Maps.apk system/app
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/NetworkLocation.apk system/app
  4. Then, we have to push these files in *x86/intel* avd image, in same directories:
    1. you're using a 64 linux with kvm acceleration (hence "emulator64-x86")
    2. "$INTEL_NAME" is env variable for intel avd image name (see 1, above)
    3. 300 (mb) is enough space you need - and it must be greater than what you have specified on image creation (item 1) [default is 260mb]
    achtung! you have to change data partition size before you start emulator, because new system image will be saved in /data; as you can see u have to increase it:
    grep -ni dataPartition\.size ~/.android/avd/"$INTEL_NAME".avd/*ini
    hardware-qemu.ini:40:disk.dataPartition.size = 200m 
    so change these values in config.ini and hardware-qemu.ini [vim?ed?sed?] from 200M to 400M (or higher, depends how you want expand /system). and now:
    emulator64-x86 -partition-size 300 -netspeed full -netdelay none -no-boot-anim -no-audio -gpu on -avd $INTEL_NAME -qemu -enable-kvm &
    export INTEL_EMU_ID=emulator-5556; # replace with yours
    sleep 10; # adb connection takes some seconds
    adb remount
    adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID push system/etc/permissions/ /system/etc/permissions/
    adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID push system/framework/ /system/framework/
    for i in system/app/*; do adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID push $i /system/app ; done
  5. Is it enough? No, obviously. These new changes don't remain after avd instance reboot, therefore we have to save /system partition.
    So, save this mkfs.yaffs2.x86 and push it to the device:
    adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID push mkfs.yaffs2.x86 /data
  6. create a new system image from existing ones:
    adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID shell chmod 755 /data/mkfs.yaffs2.x86
    adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID shell /data/mkfs.yaffs2.x86 /system /data/system.img
    and now save new image (this could take a while, so get a beer):
    adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID pull /data/system.img
    just for info: mine reports "829 KB/s (304309632 bytes [~291mb] in 358.296s [~6s])"
    1. ...breathe, it's almost completed.

      Now, choice if u want use new system.img only this specific intel instance, or globally, for new image creations
      * in this second case, in virtual manager ("android avd"), if you select "Google APIs (Google Inc.) - Version XY" in target, you could see a "Intel Atom (x86)" item in cpu/abi, not only "ARM (armeabi-v7a)" *
    2. local/specific instance

      copy system.img in avd directory:
      cp -a system.img ~/.android/avd/"$INTEL_NAME".avd/
    3. global method

      copy this new system.img in $ANDROID_SDK/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-$SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION/images/x86 - assuming that:
      - ANDROID_SDK is your android directory installation
      - SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION is android release you have choice when you created avd images (I used jellybean_mr1 = 17 -- see item 1)
      and copy other files from x86 (without maps support) sdk dir, that is:
      export ANDROID_SDK=/your/android/installation/dir;
      cp -a $ANDROID_SDK/system-images/android-$SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION/x86/* $ANDROID_SDK/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-$SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION/images/x86
      cp -f system.img $ANDROID_SDK/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-$SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION/images/x86
  7. and finally kill emulators
    adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID emu kill
    adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID emu kill

enjoy this new one intel emulator with google maps ;D

credits to: