can we definitely have an android emulator image using x86 cpu (to exploit kvm acceleration) and google maps support?
The answer is: yes.
But, as always, we could have less pain banging our head against the wall.
However, here the tricks.
Create two avd image, an *arm* ones and an *intel* ones, from shell or using eclipse tools, and assume their names are "ga17_tablet10_arm" and "ga17_tablet10_intel"
- ga = "google apis"
- 17 = android selected version
- tablet10 = a 10'' 1280x800 tablet
- arm/intel = obviously, isn't?)
export ARM_NAME="ga17_tablet10_arm" export INTEL_NAME="ga17_tablet10_intel"
or choose different names - Then we have to copy some files from arm instance.
So, start the avd image and do the stuff [emulator -avd "$ARM_NAME" &]
Assuming we're working in a dir with enough space (we need about 350mb), we must have a tree as:[k0smik0@n-johnny-5-iii from_ga17_arm]$ find system/ -type d system/ system/app system/etc system/etc/permissions system/framework
somkdir -p system/app system/etc/permissions system/framework
Now we have to pull down these files (change ARM_EMU_ID with yours, grabbing it from "adb devices"):
export ARM_EMU_ID=emulator-5554; adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/etc/permissions/ system/etc/permissions adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/framework/ system/framework adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/FusedLocation.apk system/app adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/GoogleLoginService.apk system/app adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk system/app adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/GpsLocationTest.apk system/app adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/Maps.apk system/app adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID pull /system/app/NetworkLocation.apk system/app
Then, we have to push these files in *x86/intel* avd image, in same directories:
assuming:- you're using a 64 linux with kvm acceleration (hence "emulator64-x86")
- "$INTEL_NAME" is env variable for intel avd image name (see 1, above)
- 300 (mb) is enough space you need - and it must be greater than what you have specified on image creation (item 1) [default is 260mb]
grep -ni dataPartition\.size ~/.android/avd/"$INTEL_NAME".avd/*ini config.ini:3:disk.dataPartition.size=200M hardware-qemu.ini:40:disk.dataPartition.size = 200m
so change these values in config.ini and hardware-qemu.ini [vim?ed?sed?] from 200M to 400M (or higher, depends how you want expand /system). and now:emulator64-x86 -partition-size 300 -netspeed full -netdelay none -no-boot-anim -no-audio -gpu on -avd $INTEL_NAME -qemu -enable-kvm & export INTEL_EMU_ID=emulator-5556; # replace with yours sleep 10; # adb connection takes some seconds adb remount adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID push system/etc/permissions/ /system/etc/permissions/ adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID push system/framework/ /system/framework/ for i in system/app/*; do adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID push $i /system/app ; done
Is it enough? No, obviously. These new changes don't remain after avd instance reboot, therefore we have to save /system partition.
So, save this mkfs.yaffs2.x86 and push it to the device:wget adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID push mkfs.yaffs2.x86 /data
create a new system image from existing ones:
adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID shell chmod 755 /data/mkfs.yaffs2.x86 adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID shell /data/mkfs.yaffs2.x86 /system /data/system.img
and now save new image (this could take a while, so get a beer):adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID pull /data/system.img
just for info: mine reports "829 KB/s (304309632 bytes [~291mb] in 358.296s [~6s])" -
...breathe, it's almost completed.
local/specific instance
copy system.img in avd directory:cp -a system.img ~/.android/avd/"$INTEL_NAME".avd/
global method
copy this new system.img in $ANDROID_SDK/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-$SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION/images/x86 - assuming that:
- ANDROID_SDK is your android directory installation
- SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION is android release you have choice when you created avd images (I used jellybean_mr1 = 17 -- see item 1)
and copy other files from x86 (without maps support) sdk dir, that is:export ANDROID_SDK=/your/android/installation/dir; export SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION=17; cp -a $ANDROID_SDK/system-images/android-$SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION/x86/* $ANDROID_SDK/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-$SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION/images/x86 cp -f system.img $ANDROID_SDK/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-$SELECTED_WORKING_VERSION/images/x86
Now, choice if u want use new system.img only this specific intel instance, or globally, for new image creations
* in this second case, in virtual manager ("android avd"), if you select "Google APIs (Google Inc.) - Version XY" in target, you could see a "Intel Atom (x86)" item in cpu/abi, not only "ARM (armeabi-v7a)" * -
local/specific instance
and finally kill emulators
adb -s $INTEL_EMU_ID emu kill adb -s $ARM_EMU_ID emu kill
enjoy this new one intel emulator with google maps ;D
credits to:
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